The Name of the Game 1968

Adventure Sci-Fi

This groundbreaking series had three rotating stars who were featured in independent episodes tied together by a loose common theme: Howard Publications, the publishing empire of Glenn Howard. Episodes featuring Howard focused on ...

Tous les titres
  • US: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • AU: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • BR: Os Audaciosos Os Audaciosos
  • CA: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • FI: Pelin henki Pelin henki
  • FR: Les règles du jeu Les règles du jeu
  • DE: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • IT: Reporter alla ribalta Reporter alla ribalta
  • IT: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • JP: ネーム・オブ・ザ・ゲーム ネーム・オブ・ザ・ゲーム
  • MX: Audacia es el juego Audacia es el juego
  • NL: De regels van het spel De regels van het spel
  • RU: Наименование игры Наименование игры
  • ES: Audacia es el juego Audacia es el juego
  • AE: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • US: The Name of the Game The Name of the Game
  • VE: Audacia es el juego Audacia es el juego
Date de sortie 20 Sep 1968
Lien IMDb
