Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur 2011

Animation Comedy Family Mystery

When the Scooby Doo gang encounters the horrible Phantosaur, they investigate to find out what's really behind this prehistoric haunting.

Tous les titres
  • US: Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur
  • BR: Scooby-Doo! A Lenda do Fantasmossauro Scooby-Doo! A Lenda do Fantasmossauro
  • GR: Scooby-Doo! O thrylos tou fantosavrou Scooby-Doo! O thrylos tou fantosavrou
  • HU: Scooby-Doo és a fantoszaurusz rejtélye Scooby-Doo és a fantoszaurusz rejtélye
  • IT: Scooby-Doo! La leggenda del Fantosauro Scooby-Doo! La leggenda del Fantosauro
  • PL: Scooby Doo: Epoka Pantozaura Scooby Doo: Epoka Pantozaura
  • PT: Scooby-Doo! - A Lenda do Fantossauro Scooby-Doo! - A Lenda do Fantossauro
  • RO: Scooby-Doo si legenda fantosaurului Scooby-Doo si legenda fantosaurului
  • RU: Скуби-Ду! Легенда о Фантозавре Скуби-Ду! Легенда о Фантозавре
  • RS: Skubi-Du! Legenda o Fantosaurusu Skubi-Du! Legenda o Fantosaurusu
  • ES: ¡Scooby-Doo! La leyenda del Fantasmasaurio ¡Scooby-Doo! La leyenda del Fantasmasaurio
  • TR: Scooby-Doo: Phantosaur Efsanesi Scooby-Doo: Phantosaur Efsanesi
  • US: Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur
Date de sortie 06 Sep 2011
Lien IMDb
