Chu ge chu nu chu ye qing 1977

Innocent Lust mirrors Hollywoods current teen flicks where young adolescents go out looking for sex. Incensed by a friend that flaunt his sexy girlfriend in front of them, three young collegians take that as a challenge to find their own knock-out girlfriends. combing the streets and nightclubs, its innocence lost as they all find love via unadulterated sex with older...

Tous les titres
  • HK: Chu ge chu nu chu ye qing Chu ge chu nu chu ye qing
  • HK: Innocent Lust Innocent Lust
  • HK: Qing chun dao Qing chun dao
  • UA: Innocent Lust Innocent Lust
  • US: Innocent Lust Innocent Lust
  • HK: Innocent Lust Innocent Lust
Date de sortie 15 Dec 1977
Lien IMDb
